Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Book With a Mission

This book, Don't Regret Later ( copyright 2009 Navneet Dhawan) is meant for all those high school students, who would prefer avoiding some costly mistakes or blunders, with possible disastrous consequences, in this precious and only lives of theirs, rather than unnecessarily committing the same, and condemning themselves to live in regret, possibly for ever.

Mission behind this book

Given a choice, would you not prefer avoiding some costly mistakes or blunders with possibly disastrous consequences, in this one and only precious life of yours, which could otherwise condemn you to live in regret, possibly for ever ?

Regrets are a part of one’s life. It is not uncommon to hear some people say :

“ I really regret that while in school I thought life was so easy , and thus having wasted my most crucial years in useless things “ or

“ I really regret not learning by others’ mistakes where career related decisions are concerned, and wasting my precious one and only life by unnecessarily repeating the same in the most crucial years of my life while in school” or

I really regret being in the wrong company while in school and picking up destructive habits like smoking, drinking, drugs etc because of which I have ruined my health, career and my life, besides being a disgrace for my family and society ” or

“ Wish I had the maturity to realize that being on the wrong side of law is not a sign of heroism or any adventure. Rather it is a path towards ruin and self destruction” etc

Such kind of statements are not mere sighs of disappointments in life. Rather, such statements are also an indication of the ill fate which has befallen upon an individual not by any supernatural force, but by the individual himself.

While quite a few incidents and events which an individual experiences in his life, could be preordained, yet there is no doubt about the fact that a significant amount of one’s overall well being and the “ups and downs” in one’s life, could be attributed to one’s own self as well.

Some of these very factors could be so potent or so devastating in their impact, that an individual may be condemned to live in regret all his life, without any hope of deliverance from the ill effects of those “regrettable actions/decisions” once made.

It is precisely to prevent at least some of such devastating and regrettable actions/decisions of some high school students, who would care to read this book and take adequate lessons from the same, that I decided to write this book

Whom is this book targetted at ?

This book is targeted at high school students, from ninth class onwards.

Why ?

At the high school level, students are perhaps at the most crucial juncture of their lives.

For one, they are not well acquainted with the harsh realities of life and secondly, also because they are at a very impressionable age , they are vulnerable to committing some costly mistakes or blunders, under a false sense of adventure or accomplishment.

Such costly mistakes or blunders could be so devastating in their impact, that erring students could be condemned to live with the after effects throughout their lives.

Moreover, their careers and overall standing in the society could also be severely compromised, just because of those blunders.

Some of such costly mistakes or blunders, have often made headlines, which have sent shock waves throughout the country. Of course, one can only feel sorry for such kids, who either did not have the wisdom or maturity to identify such potential pitfalls with disastrous consequences, or were simply carried away with a misplaced sense of adventure or accomplishment.

Besides, the pain and agony caused to their parents and teachers by such costly mistakes or blunders, just cannot be imagined.

Value Proposition of this book

This book is based on real life incidents, some of which pertain to my own life, some of which pertain to the lives of those whom I have known personally, and some of which pertain to the lives of those, whom although I have not known personally but have come to know about the same through some credible sources. Thus, as this is not a work of fiction, the readers would find it relatively easier to identify themselves with the various narrations as illustrated in this book, and drive home the relevant conclusions.

Furthermore, this book aims at enabling the high school students develop the right mindset and the right perspective towards life. Specifically, while attempting to enable them avoid any major pitfalls in this crucial juncture of their lives, this book also aims at enabling them to perceive the reality of life without distortions, and take crucial decisions with regard to their studies, career etc accordingly.

Thus, if one is genuinely interested in controlling one’s own destiny to a large extent, by avoiding as many costly mistakes or blunders as possible, and by learning about certain harsh realities of life through others who may have learnt the same the hard way, then one can make an excellent beginning with this book, aptly titled as “Don’t Regret Later.’

End objective of this book

This book is intended to be a journey and not a destination. Thus, it is not an exhaustive guide for every student to enable them avoid all major regrets in their lives ahead.

At the very least, the end objective of this book is to begin that endless journey with a single step, which is enabling the high school students develop the right mindset at such crucial juncture of their lives, with which they are able to realize the harsh realities of life, as well as identify and avoid at least some major pitfalls right now. Else, no use blaming one’s stars for the same later on or having to regret later throughout one’s life.

For whom is this book not meant

If anyone is bent upon learning about certain pitfalls/ harsh realities of life, only the hard way, then this book is certainly not meant for him.

If you consider this initiative of mine worthy enough to benefit either yourself, or your wards who are in the high school, or your students, then I would be pleased to conduct interactive session/s on the same at your educational institution (depending upon the feasibility), and also offer copies of my book on cost basis for the benefit of the intended beneficiaries.

Plee feel free to contact me at my emails - or, or via this blog

Best Wishes

Navneet Dhawan

New Delhi.