Friday, November 25, 2011

Don't Regret Later - A Book For Corporate Freshers

Would you support an initiative, aimed at enabling Corporate Freshers avoid some costly mistakes or blunders, in the highly unpredictable and fiercely competitive corporate world?

I am pleased to release the second edition of my book, Don’t Regret Later, as part of this initiative. Following are the details of the same.

The Mission

Given a choice, would you not prefer to avoid some costly mistakes or blunders, in the highly competitive and uncertain corporate world, thereby condemning yourself to live in regret, possibly for ever?

Regrets are a part of one’s life. It is not uncommon to hear some people say:

“I really regret not realizing the value of a professional qualification from a reputed institution, thereby fooling myself by believing that I could make it without it.” Or,

“I really regret not developing the right perspective towards my responsibilities, which led to major avoidable setbacks in my career.” Or,

“I really regret not realizing the fact that career planning can’t be outsourced to any organization or individual, thus being quite casual about it.” Or,

“Wish I had the maturity to realize the fact that by affixing my signature on any piece of paper, I am certifying that I have examined the contents on that paper meticulously, understand the possible consequences, and am willing to accept responsibilities for the same as well.”

And so on...

Such statements are not mere sighs of disappointments in one’s life. Rather, these are an indication of the ill fate, which has befallen upon an individual, not by any supernatural force, but by the individual himself.

While quite a few incidents and events which an individual experiences in life, could be preordained or unavoidable, yet there is no doubt about the fact that a significant part of one’s overall well being, and the ‘ups and downs’ in one’s life, could also be attributed to one’s own self.

Some of these very factors could be so potent or so devastating in their impact, that one may be condemned to live in regret throughout one’s life, without any hope of deliverance from the ill effects of those regrettable actions/decisions once made.

It is precisely to prevent at least some of such devastating and regrettable actions/decisions of those, who have just embarked upon a career in the highly competitive and highly uncertain corporate world, whom I would refer to as Corporate Freshers, and also those who are about to embark upon the same, that I decided to author this book.

It’s Importance

Till the time one completes one’s education, one usually tends to live in a ‘make believe world’, which is often far divorced from reality. This is not surprising or unusual, because one is generally not exposed to such harsh realities or bitter truths of the corporate world, till one actually experiences it. For a novice, learning usually comes the hard way, such as by committing some costly mistakes or blunders, which could be absolutely unacceptable in the corporate world. Some of such costly mistakes or blunders could be so devastating in their impact, that erring Corporate Freshers, could be condemned to live with the after effects, throughout their careers.

Reflecting back on my own days as a Corporate Fresher, as well as having observed some of my former colleagues very closely, when they made their debut in the corporate world, I am convinced, that some of the costly mistakes or blunders usually committed in the initial phases of one’s career and later on can be avoided, provided one is given the right perspective of the corporate world.

And yes, given the ever increasing competition, for the same limited opportunities in the corporate world, the tolerance levels for such costly mistakes or blunders are only diminishing by the day.

Value Proposition

This book is primarily based on real life incidents, some of which have pertain to my professional life so far, while some pertain to the professional lives of some of my former colleagues and acquaintances, besides others. Thus, as this is not a work of fiction, the readers would find it relatively easy to identify themselves with the various anecdotes as narrated in this book, and drive home the relevant conclusions.

Furthermore, this book aims at enabling Corporate Freshers and other readers, develop the right perspective towards their respective professional careers, in which they have just made their debut, or which lie ahead of them. Specifically, while attempting to enable them avoid any major pitfalls in their professional lives which lie ahead, this book could also enable them the much desired ‘head start’, in the highly competitive and highly uncertain corporate world.

Thus, if a Corporate Fresher is genuinely interested in controlling his /her professional career to a great extent, by avoiding as many costly mistakes or blunders as possible, in the highly competitive and highly uncertain corporate world, then one can make an appropriate beginning with this book titled Don’t Regret Later.

End Objective

This book is intended to be a journey and not a destination. At the very least, the end objective of this book is to begin that endless journey with a single step, which is enabling Corporate Freshers, develop the right mindset at such crucial juncture of their lives, with which they are able to realize the harsh realities of their professional lives ahead, as well as identify and avoid some costly mistakes or blunders as they move on. Needless to add, this could also enable them the much desired ‘head start’ in their careers ahead.

Look forward to your views and support.

Navneet Dhawan

New Delhi.

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Don't Regret Later - A Book For Corporate Freshers

Would you support an initiative, aimed at enabling Corporate Freshers avoid some costly mistakes or blunders, in the highly unpredictable and fiercely competitive corporate world?

I am pleased to release the second edition of my book, Don’t Regret Later, as part of this initiative. Following are the details of the same.

The Mission

Given a choice, would you not prefer to avoid some costly mistakes or blunders, in the highly competitive and uncertain corporate world, thereby condemning yourself to live in regret, possibly for ever?

Regrets are a part of one’s life. It is not uncommon to hear some people say: